Do you need guidance and world-class advice to get your Product Licensed!

Get coaching. Change your life.

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You need guidance and world-class advice to get your Product Licensed! Meet your new coach!

David's been in the personal development and Invention Licensing trainer for over 12 years, 164 closed licensing deals, coached inventors through multi-million dollar deals, and working in multiple categories such as Houseware, Hardware, Software, Hospitality, Pet, Novelty Gift, Seasonal Products, Industry Specific products, Apps, As Seen On TV, Toys, Disposable, Apparel, Garden, Electronics, Travel, Personal Care and Beauty, Shoes, Automotive, Sports Licensing, Sporting Goods, Promotional Products, and many more. His techniques have been shown to dramatically improve success in closing licensing deals. Now David Fedewa can be YOUR virtual coach!


Let David help you:

  • Breakthrough getting into potential licensee, and determine the BEST Deal to get your product on the shelf producing royalties.
  • Implement the habits shown to help you increase your probability of success.
  • Stick to the mindset and habits needed for deal closing
  • Become more productive and self-disciplined.
Get coaching. Change your life.

"David is one of the most influential leaders in the field of Invention Licensing." - Jay P, Invent Tribe Mentee

You know you deserve more, right?

Sometimes, you just need help to reach it. Here's how you know if you need a coach to guide you to your full potential.

Let's FACE IT, you've been thinking about your product for way too long without taking any action.

Is that harsh?

I don't think so, it's HONEST.

Often, the first step to a BIG BREAKTHROUGH is being REAL. 

It's about facing reality and stirring up your AMBITION to IMPROVE and execute on your invention.

It's also about realizing you'll need HELP to reach the next level of
success with your invention.

Just like athletes need a coach to improve, YOU need a coach to see your actions, show you a better way, keep you on track, and ultimately 10x your results.

That's why this day and this moment is important for you. 

Today, I'm offering to coach you and train you on the very same principles and achievement strategies I've taught all of my previous successful students before.

I bring something unique to the table: a decade of coaching and invention licensing experience, having coached over 160 inventors to successfully license their products. Testimonials from my students that SHOWS without a doubt my coaching and training can get your product licensed.

I'm here for you, saying:

“Hey, let me help you and keep you on the right track every week. Let me challenge you and help you grow. Let me help you develop the mindset, habits, and personal power required to get your product licensed and live your dreams.  I'm here for you, every week.  Let's do this!”

But listen...

Today, I'm not asking you to trust me.

I'm asking you to TRUST that voice in your head -- and that feeling in your gut -- that says it's time for you to LEVEL UP in life.  It's time to clarify your objective for your product - at THIS STAGE of development - be boldly adjust your mindset, habits, and focus so that you can achieve the deal you want and have the freedom in life.
You just have to signup to be part of the Invent Tribe Coaching Program.

What is it?

Every Week, I go live online and coach and train our community on how to reach success and close licensing deals. They get the unfair advantage of the latest strategies, and tools that help me close my licensing deals to help my students pass other inventors, and create their dream life.

You can signup now and cancel anytime.

You can make a change in your life RIGHT NOW. Here's what you get...

Join at our new member discount

Today, you get to choose an Invention Licensing Coach who has impacted thousands, coached on multiple 7- figure deals, presently negotiating licensing deals of his own, and personally coached more successful inventors than anyone in the industry.

People must pay $8,000 a year to work with David individually. You get David as YOUR virtual Invention Licensing Coach in this group coaching program, starting right now to get your invention to market, selling and producing royalties!

Get Coached by David, and You Receive:


Join David and the community for 1-Hour of life-transforming invention licensing coaching and negotiation training. You'll get new frameworks, strategies and habits to help you stay focused and close more deals. Every week, David teaches new concepts exclusively here, answers questions, and helps you navigate obstacles. Imagine this: You get the SAME coach and high performance closer that coached over 160+ inventors to close licensing deal!

Priceless! We will teach you everything you need to know about licensing your idea
and selling it to potential licensees!

Provisional Patent Software - Valued at $2,500

David and his patent attorney Mike Murshak built a simple to use software for writing Provisional Patent Applications (PPAs) it works similar to a TurboTax or H&R Block software if you have ever used tax software. We ask you simple question and have video content explaining how to answer the questions with examples to follow. Once you have gone through and answered all the questions the system will produce a document that you file with the United State Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to get your product PATENT PENDING!  Typically attorney’s charge over $2,500 to write a PPA. You get unlimited access to the software as soon as you sign up.

$2,500 Software Value. Yours FREE when you join today!

Invention Licensing Core Video Training Course - Valued at $997

David has taken his experience coaching 100s of students to create this dynamic course. While coaching he saw patterns of what successful students did verses the unsuccessful. When he saw time and time again that successful students did things a certain way and he wanted to capture that process and boil it down into a replicable and learnable sequence. That is why he created this course, he figure out how to replicate the success and show people the sequence of steps to execute to close licensing deals.

Core Video Training Course worth over $997. Yours FREE when you join today!

Q&A Forum


Join David and the Invent Tribe Community on a private forum where we discuss strategy, tips, good companies to work with, get inspired by students' success stories, and many other licensing-related topics.

Invent Tribe Membership Levels

Our Tribe Membership and Mastermind

Silver Circle Group Coaching


Every 6 Months

Weekly group accountability calls

Unlimited Email Coaching

LinkedIn Community of Inventors

One Hour 1-on-1 Licensing and Negotiation Strategy Call 

Provisional Patent Application Software

50+ Video Tutorial Course 

Q&A Forum

Weekly Live 60min Webinar


Join Silver Circle

Inner Circle Mastermind


PER MONTH (2 spaces left)

Pay In Full at $3999 for 6 months of laser coaching

***Everything in the Silver Circle Mastermind Group Coaching PLUS


30 Minute Weekly Accountability and Strategy Call

Unlimited Negotiation Calls

We develop a personalized list of potential licensees for you

Guarantee to get into companies

LinkedIn Community of Inventors

Join Inner Circle Mastermind

Partnership Program

$10,000- $15,000



Royalty split of Invent Tribe receiving between 25-50% of the royalties

6-month contract

Direct access to David

Bi-weekly progress report

We guarantee answers/ responses to more than 20 companies and will reach out to more than that

We will negotiate your deal for you


Book a Call with Coach Amyjo

Invent Tribe Success Stories

Listen and be inspired by our Invent Tribe successful inventors who are now earning royalties from their inventions and living the life of their dreams!

Who Gets Coaching?

People ready for change. People committed to Getting their products licensed. People who want a proven path to success.

From business owners and entrepreneurs to stay at home moms, retirees and full time inventors, this program has been aĀ game changerĀ for many ordinary people looking to succeed at bringing their product to market and living their dream life.Ā  You can achieve your goals faster. You can find greater clarity and confidence in the steps that you take. Donā€™t reinvent the wheel on bringing your product to market successfully. You justĀ need coaching from aĀ  professional to level up and take the life you deserve. You just need consistent instruction,Ā a qualified coach and inspiring community. That's what Invent Tribe gives you.

Join Invent Tribe Mastermind and Membership

The World's Best Invention Licensing Coach

Private clients must pay $8,000 per year to work with David one-on-one. You get him LIVE EVERY week for One hour in this exclusive group coaching program.


50% Complete

Two Step

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