Patent your invention from a business perspective

Jun 14, 2021


From a business perspective, filing patents through an attorney can be difficult because it can get really expensive and can take a lot of time.

So if you spend your product development time on doing the patent process, you will have no time on getting your product sold and licensed to a potential licensee that can take your product to market and start monetizing it.

However, protection and patenting is also an important part of the process. So which of them should be your priority?

Find out in today's episode as I share the steps I took to monetize my product while keeping it protected.

P.S. Getting to the point of making money off your invention is hard. That’s why I’m hosting a very special webinar for you on how to get through all of this. At the end of just 1 hour, you’ll know the techniques to get your invention licensed easily and make monthly passive income.

Sign up for the webinar here:

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