Passive Income Ideas in 2020

passive income ideas royalty machine Sep 06, 2020

This is kind of an exciting topic because a lot of people look in passive income as their gateway to freedom.

Once you monetize, or once you start that passive income stream, then it kind of changes your life, gives you freedom, gives you the ability to earn more with less time. It's been done over and over again.

Build a business, I'd say is probably a little bit more difficult because you've got to understand, like what's going to be desired within a marketplace, and then understand how to find the right people to run that business.

But the difficulty about the licensing component of it or the licensing business model is you've got to be able to come up with good products and you've got to be able to communicate them clearly. And if you can do those two things and work with people on moving it forward to getting a deal, then this is something that you can do.

Want to start your invention licensing journey today? 

Check out Royalty Machine!  This is a mini-training course to get you started on your journey to getting your product licensed and on the market.  My objective with this course is to show you the steps to get your product licensed. 

Signup here!

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